Dr. Murray Bowen created what has come to be known as "Bowen Theory" or Family Systems Theory. Dr. Rabbi Friedman set Bowen's hypothesis to work for rabbis, ministers and different strict callings in Generation to Generation and his after death work Failure of Nerve.
This hypothesis of family conduct depends on a few key ideas regarding why individuals act as they do in gatherings, not founded on unthinking jobs yet on how individuals in bunches act inwardly. This hypothesis thinks regarding passionate procedures and not in orders or scholarly terms.
This article inspects why a great many people love felines as a way to clarify a few of the fundamental thoughts in Murray Bowen's hypothesis of Family and Societal Systems.
We nonsensically love felines - those of us who do. The individuals who loathe felines despise them nonsensically. Why all the feelings about felines? Since they uncover reality with regards to human passionate frameworks by presenting catlike enthusiastic conduct!
The feline, any feline, brought into the human passionate framework, will make the human enthusiastic framework revise. Not on the grounds that the feline does anything other than due to how the feline is inwardly.
1. Felines Tend to Be Emotionally Self-Differentiated
Self-separation is the objective and high water characteristic of development for the Bowen Theory. Felines have it.
They realize what they like. They know who they like. They comprehend what they will and won't do and decline to be prepared. They want to win endorsement however look for passionate help (petting) when they need it and from whom they need it.
Most people call this freedom or separation. It is actually the situation of self-separation to which we as a whole yearn. We respect felines for having the option to be unapproachable and aloof. What we genuinely appreciate is their capacity to boldly self-separate.
The individuals who detest felines in all probability are awkward with other people who will pass on passionate commotion in the human framework as well.
2. Felines Do Not Accept Anxiety from Others
When there is "show" between people, felines for the most part run off or keep out of the brawl by murmuring and going into fight off guarded mode until they can get away. Felines will not acknowledge tension from others.
They may decide to murmur around you when you are disturbed, however that, we as a whole know, is unadulterated fortuitous event. Felines deal with their own passionate pain. They don't request help. They battle their own battles and never try to select the "posse" or "group" impact as people do.
3. Felines Have Learned a Perfect Balance Between Closeness and Distance
Felines never become so connected that they can't manage without you yet never so inaccessible they don't search for you after you have been gone some time.
They have discovered the ideal parity of separation and closeness that people infrequently find. Most people become so near one another they meld either by cherishing or battling. Or then again people good ways from one another in light of uneasiness accordingly keeping the combination on a separation level.
On the off chance that you are gone per year or an hour it has no effect. They will respond the equivalent to your arrival in unsurprising examples. The more you are gone the less they may respond upon your arrival.
Most people regard the limits of a feline considerably more than the passionate limits of different people!
4. Felines Are Distant yet Connected
They never "leave" the framework. They do whatever them might feeling like doing and afterward, abruptly, it appears, they will show up into the passionate framework with murmuring and a craving to be petted on their own terms. Attempt to urge them and you will just get scorn and lack of engagement. Attempt to stop them when they WANT strokes and you should get out a brush.
5. Felines Learn This Behavior From Parents
While cats, they show no self-separation aside from when they will savagely push the pipsqueak off the beaten path to get the last suck of milk despite the fact that the half-pint might be starving to death.
Felines are social creatures like people, yet even the mother is self-separated. She takes care of when she feels like it and safeguards the litter on the off chance that she is in the disposition.
People are intrigued by this closeness/separation balance however we appreciate it as well.
The little cats take in it from their folks. The dad remains off to the side as an occasionally defender of the litter and the mother goes to the little ones without asking a thing more from the dad.
On the off chance that a little cat misbehaves, the mother never undermines the cats with the arrival or revenge of the dad: she does the smacking herself.
6. Felines May Feel Anxiety During Times of Change however They Handle Their Own - They Do Not Triangle
In Bowen's hypothesis, people consistently triangle. We can't deal with the regular nerves of life thus we search out somebody to share our uneasiness. The uneasiness maker - regardless of whether it is a circumstance or an individual or a weight - is consistently the third individual in the triangle.
Felines don't do this. They handle their own uneasiness like the senior head of a lion Pride. At the point when the youthful lion challenges the Pride chief the pioneer may set up a stately battle however handles the tension. He doesn't try to impart the tension to anybody. He goes off into the separation and watches the Pride proceed onward without him.
People respect this and dread it simultaneously. Somebody who is self-separated is terrifying to the individuals who are most certainly not. The purpose behind this is on the grounds that people will in general be a crowding animal groups, particularly when there is change or vexed in the "ordinary" way nervousness is dealt with in the framework.
7. Felines Feed on Herds They Never Form Herds
Felines eat from froze crowds. They don't frame groups. They structure Prides. Indeed, even the name proposes autonomy and positive properties.
At the point when people experience uneasiness, they will in general group together to remove the tension by assaulting it or running from it as opposed to managing it.
For example, think about the disagreeable pictures on the TV narratives of lions eating water wild ox or gazelles. Notice, if the group out of nowhere turned on the felines, the felines would lose. Regardless of whether a few, possibly only a bunch, of the a great many pounds brutes turned on the felines, the nimble however defenseless against stepping felines would escape in alarm.
Crowds "bunch think" and frenzy. They run from nervousness or carelessly assault each other attempting to discover the frenzy making guilty party, however they seldom assault the genuine predator which has been following them for a considerable length of time.
They neglect to see the genuine peril: the feline in the room.
8. Felines Can Switch Prides Based on Their Own Self-Interest
Felines can go from proprietor to proprietor, Pride to Pride, without loss of self-separation. Part with a feline and it will adjust promptly to the new circumstance since it was not genuinely intertwined with the last one!
People may encounter this as self-centeredness with respect to the feline or self-retention. Indeed, it is competent enthusiastic adjustment. A few felines will leave one family and receive another with apparently no second thoughts if the new circumstance is to the greatest advantage of the feline. What's more, the feline knows.
Narrow-mindedness and self-separation are not the equivalent and felines appear to get this. Felines are not egotistical. They share when they choose to share. They show warmth when they need to and not when they should.
They needn't bother with people. They can chase in the event that they need to. On the off chance that they do decide to chase, they by and large carry the poor mammoth to their people to enhance the groceries the people accumulate from God knows where.
9. Felines Can Act Like Kittens on the off chance that They Feel Like It
Felines can, magnificently, every now and then out of nowhere act like a little cat! - Playing with balls and moving after laser lights moving from a human penlight. Felines can relapse when they feel lively or inquisitive.
This capacity to relapse isn't enthusiastic shortcoming yet the ability to be genuinely open when they feel like it. There is the key: when they feel like it.
Their capriciousness is magnificent to most people. A few people despise felines. They aren't penniless enough. They don't meld. They are useless uneasiness receptors. A furious human may kick a pooch and the canine will fall down. Kick a feline and see what occurs. They won't share your uneasiness.
These are just a couple of reasons why people love felines. They mirror the passionate wellbeing portrayed in Bowen's Family System Theory and this causes an extraordinary division among people.
Some abhor felines for a similar explanation a few people disdain self-separated individuals. Like a feline, a self-separated individual can't be sincerely controlled, doesn't fall effectively into triangulation, and appears to be wanton and narrow minded to somebody who is asking for an accomplice in uneasiness.
A few people abhor this.
They need group individuals who will feel frustrated about them, spread the tension, start a frenzy and head off in assault or departure from an inconspicuous and obscure adversary.
The pitiful truth is that self-separated individuals will in general hang together and watch from a separation the strange practices of the crowds underneath. Sincerely non-self-separated individuals will in general hang together as well. They will in general crowd together, serve the tensions of the most fragile individuals from the group, and look for harmony and understanding over whatever else.
It would be a smart thought to recollect this: felines eat up groups; crowds run from felines.
[http://www.pastorwadebutler.com] is an asset for some, Mind Maps, notes, remarks and sound records on the Bowen Theory and Pastoral Interventions during Pastoral Interims.
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